Monday, August 27, 2012

Heads Up!


I have decided to seperate my badgerings from my art. So this will remain my art site, while my rantings will be shifted to here

Thank you!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Art _ 16


Hope you having a good time in your life, because I am. Things seem to be looking up, ahead.

So, back to my artwork. This is something i just russled up for the blog. Yep, I think I will add this to my pages for when you visit my blog.

Thank you for visiting.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Art _ 0015

Hi there!

Strange weather out here in this city. One second its raining and then in a blink of an eye its sunny. Sometimes its both. You have to be here to believe it.

My confidence in colouring digitally has really had a high recently.

Remember this ?

 Its now finished! Yeah, I shouldn't be surprised. But I am. LOL!
Here it is..

Thank you for visiting.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Art _14 Owlieee

If you didn't already know, I'll say it again, I love Owls...  =)

I found this picture on a site - I don't remember exactly where.[If someone does please let me know so i can state it here.]

But the owl is so adorable.

 So I had to make one too. Well, two. Two more anyway. =D

Sunday, August 12, 2012

And I am Back! No. 13

Its been a while since i posted any artwork here. I was... busy.. hehe!

So here's something new to share. A new digital piecetook me about 5 hours I think. Still a long way to go to get anywhere near good. But I am workin on it.

The BG was just a rushed thing. Please ignore it.

Comments are like always, welcome.
Thank you. =)