Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer/Monsoon Garden visitors

This summer our trees and bushes have grown big/strong/tall, encouraging the aviary families to come check out the realty. =P

Some regular visitors for food are the common Mynahs, Parakeets and the "Seven Sister" birds (quite the chatty bunch!). Also the Koel, occasionally the Black Drongo, a Great Coucal (which has disappeared, i think my cats caught it), the White Throated Kingfisher and a pair of Bulbuls.

There are a few more. But I haven't figured out their names yet.

Please forgive the layman photography. I am not skilled enough to take pictures of birds that flit so incessantly. =)

Comman Indian Mynah

Comman Indian Mynah

Red Vented Bulbul

Red Whiskered Bulbul

Rufous Treepie

Scaly Breasted Muniya

Scaly Breasted Muniya

Scaly Breasted Muniya

Scaly Breasted Muniya

Seven Sister Bird

The Sunbird

Thank you for reading!


  1. wow..beautiful birds..a photographer's treat indeed.

  2. Sure is. =) the nest of the last bird is right outside our window.. which is awesome!The chick has just hatched and the parents are busy bringing in food.
